Another great episode for the series!
I love this series, I love the humor its hilarious. This was a great episode, keep up the good work!
Another great episode for the series!
I love this series, I love the humor its hilarious. This was a great episode, keep up the good work!
I gave this a 10 in humor..
Wow this is hilarious, I can see your very serious about it though. Good job explaining things lol, but I am past this. Heh..
lol, yea most are but its for peeps to get a head start
frikken awsome
cool, thanks!
Thank you for making a good lock movie!
I loved Black Hawk Down, everyone should watch it. This is a good parody with it also, I just hope that you keep to it in the next one. Good job!
Even though its a joke...
you disappointed a lot of people, you made a mistake in doing so. Bad decision my friend, this is a piece of crap and deserves to be blammed immediately!
haha that was great man...
That was a great short. It had a point, and it was funny. Congrads on a good movie short!
pretty good..
That wasn't that bad. I like your blood/explosion effects. Keep it up man.
thanks alot!
Great short!
Your name sounds familiar, whats your website?
Anyways good animation, was that all done in brush?
Very smooth and well drawn, good work man. is my site, you might've seen my stuff either here on ng or on ssla, ss, sfdt, and/or other stick related sites.
There was some none brush at the beginning.
Thanks for the review
Dude awsome idea..
Original idea, thank God something good after blamming at least 20 flash's. Good work, can't wait for this clay movie, looks like you spent a lot of time on this teaser alone, I know the work involved as a fellow animator. Good luck mate!
Thanks for the comment and the support. The clips from the teaser are part of what I have already shoot fromt he movie.
Age 36, Male
California, USA
Joined on 4/27/03