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348 Movie Reviews

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I give you a 9..

Most people don't respect stick movies anymore. I would like to say them, sticks are what started flash! They are what everyone started from, fighting and killing sticks, thats what it is all about. Very good job man, that was better than 80% of the entire flash on this website. One of the best stick animations. For the next one make it longer, thanks!

MonoXideK responds:

thanks for the great review =) and i'm like you! i don't aniamte sticks cause i can't draw or anything like that(okay that could be part of the reason) but because sticks are one of the greatest parts about flash
thanks again =)

I give you a 6...

Good job, except you should have called it Old-Man skateboarding! HAHAHAHAAHAH!!!! j/k, j/p about j/k.

I give you an 8...

If you did that frame-by-frame, good job. I remember doing my flash like that..well the only thing that could have been better was the graphics. Spend a little more time on the drawings. Such as the bird, and the ground or something. I like the 'Matrix' spin-around, good job man.

I give you an 8...

That was pretty cool, don't listen to the people that put you down, because they suck. Good job!

Wow a 4.50/5.00

And could still go up. This is the best cartoon series on NG, ever. Make some more, spend lots of time on them, and you are definitely going somewhere!

I give you a 9.3/10

That was funny! The voices matched the mario game and I like the idea of game out takes. Good idea, YOU ROCK! W00T!!! ALL MY 5 R BELONG TO THIS!

Good flash...

Hey that was good. But I like the clocks, so, LONG LIVE THE CLOCKS!

Tyler Viviano @TvP

Age 36, Male


California, USA

Joined on 4/27/03

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